How to Obtain Mine Subsidence Insurance
Use our interactive map to discover if your property is located in a mandatory county and if coverage will be automatically rolled on to your policy.
Interactive Illinois County Map Key:
Mine subsidence coverage is provided by your insurance company. By statute, all insurance companies writing property insurance in Illinois must provide coverage for mine subsidence. In the 34 counties in which most of the underground mining has been conducted, the statute requires mine subsidence insurance to be included in both residential and commercial policies. Coverage may be rejected in writing by the insured. These 34 mandatory counties are:
In these mandatory counties, mine subsidence insurance is automatically included in the policy. The limit for coverage for mine subsidence is generally the same as the amount of insurance for fire or windstorm, up to the statutory limit.
It is important to know that if you do not live in a mandatory county, your property may still be at risk, and you may add mine subsidence coverage to your policy by contacting your insurance agent or company. The coverage is reasonably affordable and could save you thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket repairs.
Interactive Illinois County Map
*Zones of Mine Proximity as Defined by the Illinois State Geological Survey
Zone 1 includes the land over or adjacent to mines that, on the basis of the mapped extent and general depth of the mine, could be affected by subsidence.
Zone 2, which surrounds Zone 1, represents additional land that could be affected due to uncertainty about the exact location of the mine and the extent of its workings. These zones are associated only with known underground mines.
All above information has been reprinted from The Proximity of Underground Mines to Urban and Developed Lands in Illinois, 2009; Korose, Louchios, and Elrick; Illinois State Geological Survey.